Wednesday, April 22, 2009


You will always see a pic of his Jigganess and Beay-once here!!!
Doin So-ho in NYC!!!.......eewwwwwwooooooo
twirk it !!! love it it ....all out and about witcha man!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Noncommercial advertisement! Just for once: plain honest no nonsense spam making no pretense being something else, with a real message and an sound errand. See Window Mirror and find out. my poetry as well: am not anyone. I am unique.

- Peter Ingestad, Sweden, Metacatholic Believer, Master of the I Ching Oracle, Judge on Number of the Human Beast, Communist of the New Age, born Lund Sweden 25 mars 1951 12:15, Tarot Life Card The Hanged Man (Rider-Waite UB1959, IQ>130 sd15 ref. WAIS III.